Thursday, April 5, 2012

Since I found my own blog...let's update!

Wow...I am NOT as internet savvy as I thought! I didn't LOSE my own blog, I simply "misplaced" it. Okay...let's get REALLY updated!! Since my last post, soo much has happened! J and I attended a 3-day training on infant adoption, and it was very insightful. We got a layout of the entire process, and there is so much that goes into it!! We learned some of the stumbling blocks along the way, and became even more excited for the journey to get underway!!

Next came the homestudy. J likens this to obtaining top secret security clearance in the military. Every issue in our lives that we had never known were issues were brought up and discussed. We were asked about everything from what we enjoyed doing when we were kids, to how we want to raise our teenagers (if we make it that far!). If you're part of the family, you no longer have any secrets. Sorry, we didn't want them to "red flag" us! =) As invasive as the entire process was, it was a relief that at no point were we told "Just stop! I don't need to hear anything more, you're out!" Yes, that was my biggest fear!

So in 3 short weeks we completed our homestudy visits that normally take up to 6 weeks. We were very grateful that our agency worked with our schedules and allowed us to finish this before J had to leave for his TDY. As of now, our homestudy is still being reviewed (this takes a LOT of time, I guess because of the massive amount of cases that the lone caseworker deals with). We should have an approved study very soon, though, and then we will be waiting to be matched!! Until then, we (and when I say 'we', I mean 'I') are putting together a portfolio to show potential matches, hoping to give them a realistic glimpse into our lives....minus the daily chaos that goes on.

So until something more exciting happens (that we're also able to share), thanks for catching up with us!!

*Kamrie-ism* When the caseworker showed up to our house for the first time, Kam stood at the window watching her walk through the yard. The entire time, she was bouncing up and down singing, "I'm gettin' a baby sister! I'm gettin' a baby sister!" =) I love that kid.